If you own a dog or planning to do so, it is very important to give your pet proper training. Some owners are scared of bringing pet to their house as it creates havoc. It is just like a stranger for you. So, if you want your pet to behave accordingly, you need to give it training. It is easier to live with a trained dog. You can approach a dog training academy in San Diego. They have a professional team which trains your dog as you require.
First step in dog training academy is behavior training. In this process the pet learns how to behave with people and other dogs. It also learns how to behave in the house when some guests enter. It learns to differentiate between guests and criminals. Most owners usually keep dogs to protect themselves from any criminal activity.
After this, next step is obedience training. In this process you pet learns to respond when called. It learns to respond to a particular name given to it or tone of voice. The words should be clear so that your pet understands them and behaves accordingly. The presence of owner is must in this training process because the owner should know which commands his pet understands. It is also taught to behave according to certain hand gestures given to it.
Another process is activity training. In this training process the pet learns to perform certain tasks on the command given to it. There are various tasks such as herding, hunting, searching and rescuing etc. The tasks also include jumping or crossing a hurdle. The dogs generally enjoy these type of tasks. The pet should learn one task completely before moving on to another task. There are different breeds of dogs .Some dogs learns the tasks quickly while others are hard to train. So, patience is required in training the dog.
A vital part of the process is clicker training. In this process dog is given some eatables when he performs a task on hearing a clicker sound. Punishment can be given to dog if it does not perform a task. But care should be taken that punishment is not so vigorous that it scares that animal. Similarly shouting or yelling at the pet should be avoided. Consistency is the key in training the pet. If the dog is given some reward on performing a particular task but avoided another time, it will get confused. Training sessions are usually kept short so that the pet learns one exercise completely before moving on to another.
Training process is carried on in such an environment where there are less distractions. The area is noiseless and safe from other dogs and people. The presence of owner and team of how to potty train with puppy pads academy is required. The dog owner should give respect to his pet otherwise the pet should try to avoid and run away from the owner. After this process the dog becomes a harmless pet and good companion.